So, this is it.  On January 7, 2024, my time on the Portland Oregon Executive board will end.  I was hired at the Post Office in 1984 as an LSM clerk. I was first elected to office in 1990. I held office off and on until 2004 and have served on the board for 20 consecutive years.  My Postal career ended in retirement in 2022.  Firstly, my gratitude must go to my wife Maria, Thomas, and all our children for their support and tolerance of my Union work over the years.  I have had the pleasure of working with many different local stewards and officers.  I have much gratitude for several of these fine officers and stewards.  I was schooled early on by the likes of Bob Tunstall, Jim Lewis, Larry Perez and Darrell Strobel, all who have passed on.  Names like Patty Olson, Brian Dunn, Brian Dunsmore and Bill Martin have, and are still teaching me. 

 Speaking of bills, these past years working with Bill and Debbie Battle have been some of the best years of my Union career.  They were there to help when help was needed, point me in the right direction when I was off course and most of all, they are great friends.

 Without the support and friendship of these people, and many others, I would not have had the opportunity to have a career with this local. The knowledge, guidance, help and friendships that has been provided and passed on by all these individuals, and others, is immeasurable. 

  None of this would have been possible without the support of the membership.  My interaction with the members, stewards and officers has and will continue to be one of the highlights of my life. I truly believe I have a Union family.  Thank you to all the members past and present for your support of our Union and me.  Please provide the same support to our new President and his executive board. 

 I wish all our members and their families a happy and safe holiday season.  It is important during this time of year that we remember that our families must deal with peak season as much as we do.   The most important people are those right in front of us in our homes.  Take care of your family, yourself, and your co-workers during this time.  I am sure the old saying “kiss your family goodbye and tell them you will see them after New Years” still applies to many employees of the USPS.

 It would be an extensive gratitude list for all that I have received.  I will just leave with a simple THANK YOU! 

Joe Cogan – Retiree

Local Election of Officers

The Portland Oregon Area Local held its nomination meeting on October 15, 2023. None of the offices were contested.

By vote of the membership, a white ballot was declared.

The 2024-2026 Executive Board:

President William (Bill) Martin

Vice President Cheryl Walton

Secretary/Treasurer Debbie Battle

Director of Legislation Daniel Cortez

Editor Travis Epes

Director of Education Azeb Embaye

MVS Craft Director Steven Clinton

Maintenance Craft Director Joni Oramas

Clerk Craft Director Teresa-Marie Oller

Director of AO’s Cynthia McQuade

Do Not Take Postal Pulse Survey

From APWU Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash: It had been brought to our attention that the Postal Pulse survey contained Employee Identification Numbers on them. The Postal Service has admitted that this is the case and they are blaming Gallup for the error. Of course, the APWU has always recommended that employees DO NOT TAKE THE SURVEY! It is even more imperative this year to get the message out as it appears that both Gallup and the Postal Service can identify who submitted the survey. The Postal Service is instructing units that still have the surveys to destroy them or send them back to Gallup. They are also instructing employees to destroy their surveys—something the APWU whole-heartedly agrees with. However, the Postal Service is in the process of reprinting the surveys without the EIN information and resending the surveys.  THE APWU STILL RECOMMENDS YOU DESTROY YOUR SURVEY AND NOT TAKE IT!

Better yet, turn your survey into the local office or your steward for a chance to win in our quarterly drawings.

PSE Lay Off Rumor Addressed

There is another rumor being spread on the workroom floor that all of the PSE’s will be laid off in September. We have spoken with the Service multiple times in the last few days and been assured that there is no plan to lay off PSE’s in September.  If you know of a manager or supervisor who is telling PSE’s they will be laid off in September, please provide their names to the Union office and or your steward.   


What are the facts?  The Service needs to fill mail handler jobs.  Mail handler career positions will be available for the general public as of  August 13, 2018. It was just a few short weeks ago that the Service planned on forcing 200 clerks into the mail handler craft and laying off 80 PSE’s.  The PACC is scheduled to close around the end of the year. The EPPS is expected to be up and running on October 27th. It is not hard to see that some impact is coming.  What the impact will be, who and how many it will impact is anyone’s guess. We can all see that there will be some impact on the PSE’s is the future.


Each PSE Clerk will need to consider all of their options, and which option is best for them and their families.  Other considerations for the PSE Clerks are: where do you stand on the PSE seniority list; what is the possibility of being converted to career status as clerk; and what is the chance of conversion or being hired as a career mail handler?


We have provided some information for you to consider.  We encourage you to investigate your options, and make the best decision for you and yours.  Each person’s priorities are different, and it would be irresponsible of us to not share this information with each of you.  

Excessing Event Cancelled!

We are very happy to announce the cancellation of the excessing of 212 Clerk Craft employees into the Mailhandler, Letter Carrier and Maintenance crafts.  Our Local received notification via email from APWU Western Region Coordinator Omar Gonzalez. Attached to the email was a letter stating ”This is notice that the Portland, OR P&DC excessing event dated March 2, 2018 in the clerk craft is cancelled.  The decision to cancel this notice of withholding is based on further consideration by the Portland District.”

This announcement was confirmed later in the day when President Joe Cogan met with Senior Plant Manager Felipe Flores.  Manager Flores stated that he had reevaluated the situation, held discussions with other USPS representatives and determined it was the “right thing” to do.  We appreciate Plant Manager Flores making this decision and keeping our Clerks in the craft. This action will benefit more than just those Clerks who were destined to become mailhandlers, carriers and custodians.  

Our PSE’s will no longer have their numbers reduced to the maximum extent possible due to the excessing of career Clerks.  PSE’s may be provided more opportunities to remain with the service and have future opportunities for conversion to career status.  This will also allow the non-career employees of the mailhandler and carrier crafts to have an opportunity for conversion to career.  

This is great news for our Membership, and should be celebrated by all. We are grateful that the impact has been cancelled.  We must continue in our fight to protect our rights and the service to our customers. As former APWU President Moe Biller was fond of saying “the struggle continues.”  

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Affordable Care Act Repeal is Back!



09/19/2017 – This week, the U.S. Senate is working on their newest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Graham-Cassidy bill, a last-ditch effort to repeal the ACA, is gaining steam, and Senators are hoping to bring it to a vote by September 30. This bill, like other repeal attempts, is riddled with catastrophic measures, including:

  • Dropping an estimated 32 million people from their coverage;
  • Ending Medicaid expansion, currently covering 11 million low-income adults;
  • Ending federal protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg – there are many other detrimental provisions of this bill. We need to take this seriously and fight back once again. Please join your union brothers and sisters from around the country in urging your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill.

The APWU is committed to fighting so that all Americans have access to the highest quality and most cost-effective health care services, regardless of their employment, income, or health care status.

There is much work still to be done, but millions of Americans, including our friends, families, and communities rely on the ACA. While we must continue to work towards affordable and quality health care as a right for all, any attempt to repeal ACA takes us in the wrong direction. We have to hold the line.

Call 1-888-865-8089 TODAY to urge your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill!

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